Monday, August 16, 2010

Global Citizen?

After 2 months of speculation about whether I would go to South America or not and then another month post acceptance of caffeine and doughnut fuelled sixteen hour days that involved moving from two places, storing, selling or giving away everything I own, a roller derby championship, going to Ottawa for training , replacing myself at work, massive medical inoculations, the purchasing of a personal vitamin herbal arsenal and obsessive compulsive packing and repacking to anticipate everything that I might possibly need for a long, long time within the strict weight restriction of 25kg, I am finally headed south. In the end my bag was $100 overweight and I had to run for the plane despite getting to the airport two hours early. Security had a hey day with the massive amounts of vitamins, medications, herbal supplements, wads of cash, bags of electronics and the maximum amount of liquids, gels and roller derby stickers that a girl can take on a plane. Let’s just say I got to visit the back room and we will leave it at that. All this as I have decided to go to Guyana, South America to volunteer as a global citizen with CUSO-VSO, an international development organization. This is the fulfilment of a lifelong dream to contribute on a different level. Will I be successful? Will I make a difference? Will I help to change my planet? Will I come back changed? I know that right now sitting in the relative comfort of economy travel I have serious doubts, doubts about my abilities, about leaving everything great in my life behind, and especially about whether or not I can do something like this by myself for so long. So “welcome to the jungle” jungled mind that is...aka my travel blog, which will chart my successes, failures and adventures while down south.
I just hope they at least have good coffee in Guyana.... please...!!
PS – Many thanks to all of you who have been so supportive of me in taking this epic journey..I am truly blessed to have you in my life!


  1. Welcome to my childhood! Guyana is a beautiful (and terrible) place! Enjoy the sights and sounds and smell!

  2. Xerez, fancy meeting you here. Distance brings us all closer. I will be following your adventure. Stay well.
